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121 Results for Arts & Crafts for sale in Bridport Vt - Classifieds

Peter Max Peace on Earth 2001 Mixed Media with Acrylic painting

Peter Max Peace on Earth mixed media with Acrylic painting. It is 18x24. The frame is 39.5 x 33.5. Bought from Park West. My flip phone does not pay it justice, how nice it looks.

1 month ago on ebay.com
folk art metal cutouts of cats hissing yard ornaments? Rusty garage find old

Thesw are great . found in a recent barn/garage cleanout. These great pair of cats. I believe they are iron. Ruay gold as some may say. This is for the pair. The measure about 14 by 17.5 inches and about 14 by 16 in…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Birch Bark Art Home Sweet Home E. W. Merrill Concord NH

Home Sweet Home by E. W. Merrill, Concord NH. This signed birch bark art was done by Edward W. Merrill, known as the birch bark artist of NH. He lived from 1841 until 1910 from what I can determine from an internet …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Lot (15) Shuttles Variety w Bakelite, Celluloid, Metal, ++ Tatting, Lace Craft

Lot (15) Shuttles This is a superb vintage lot of shuttles for lacemaking or tatting.There are a total of 15 in all different colors and materials. There is some Bakelite, plastic, celluloid, one metal one. They all…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Primitive Handmade VALENTINE Hooked Rug~ Folk Art~

This newly hooked wool rug mat measures 8.5" x 11" Hooked in wool from my stash and some hand dyed wool for the raspberry colored background. I hooked this using #8 wide strips on Monk's cloth for this table topper …

1 month ago on ebay.com

14" Vintage Tape Measure featuring a Fuzzy Rabbit This is a fabric rabbit with a tape measure instead of a tail! Floppy ears!Original Japan tag on its underside.Glass eyes and possible glass nose. Looks like origina…

1 month ago on ebay.com
String Art Vintage Couple Love Red Black White Felt Hanging Art Hand Made

Size is approx 12 inches x 12 inches .. approx 3/4 inch thick original art all excellent on felt spot in felt I was told it was a heart shape It does look like a rounded out heart . sting of color was raped around tiny pins or nails to form view email any questions I do combine items for shipping…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Primitive Rug Hooked Evergreen Tree Christmas Ornament Door Hanger

This hand hooked primitive evergreen tree ornament, door hanger has a wooden trunk and a twine loop for hanging. About 10" tall and 6" wide and I added some of my fanciest vintage buttons from my stash. Hang on a wreath, tree, hook or cabinet. Hooked with wool from my stash on linen. Please ask any questions.…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Guard Patch Crafts Classifieds