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453 Results for Arts & Crafts for sale in Chazy Ny - Classifieds

(MEXICAN RETABLO) MADONNA AND CHILD OIL PAINTING on metal(tin?)-early 18th-19thc

You are looking at a most wonderful and early original Spanish/Mexican Retablo from the colonial period in Mexican History. Unsigned like the rest of them--this one seems to have more detail in the work around the f…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Wool Picker Carder

Functions properly, nice wood work, big nails. Size is 26" long, 14" wide, 26" height, may be packaged to 14" height, 35 lbs Shipping varies from $30 to $90 depending on destination

1 month ago on ebay.com
Iwata Airbrush And Badger Aspire Pro.

We have a just used once iwata neo airbrush and badger aspire pro compressor. The compressor does have cosmetic damage as seen in pictures but it works perfectly. Still have original box. It's dirty in the pics but will be cleaned before shipment.…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Petra Martin: Original artwork:W/C-Lino cut--style of Miro

YYou are looking at a unique and inviting, though I can not point to why exactly, combination watercolor; lino cut etc--somewhat in the mode of later Picasso and earlier Miro..though am taking liberties in saying th…

1 month ago on ebay.com
KENT 94.1

KENT BLADES FROM KENT SUPPLIESPAYMENTWe accept PAYPAL and most major credit cards via Paypal. It is NOT necessary to have a Paypal account to pay by credit card. Orders are processed within 1 Business Day after paym…

1 month ago on ebay.com

You are looking at a wonderful pastel(totally) view of the Flower market on the Champs Elysee in Paris--it is signed Bonker or Barket (You be the judge--I could not decifer the difference but it is signed at any rat…

1 month ago on ebay.com
STAR Darning And mending cotton Vintage

Vintage Darning and Mending Cotton . Never used still plastic around the spools and in a hard plastic case to keep protected . Box does show some wear as it’s vintage.

1 month ago on ebay.com
KENT 94.1

KENT BLADES FROM KENT SUPPLIESPAYMENTWe accept PAYPAL and most major credit cards via Paypal. It is NOT necessary to have a Paypal account to pay by credit card. Orders are processed within 1 Business Day after paym…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Guard Patch Crafts Classifieds