80 Results for Span On A Target for sale in Boiling Springs Sc - Electronics Classifieds
prevention or in locations requiring a lower sensitivity like courthouses, stadiums, or Government facilities. It provides pinpointing of individual and multiple metal targets from the shoe level to the crossbar, detects and
1 month ago on ebay.comThis detector is excellent for using in an area that is filled with iron because of it's ability to separate and audibly identify your target at depths greater than most detectors. In addition to a sensitivity control
1 month ago on ebay.comProvides 44 points of iron resolution—controlled with touchpads and viewed as a digital number on the LCD—for the most precise ability to separate a good target from iron trash.ELECTRONIC PINPOINTING This Non-Motion All
1 month ago on ebay.comand Tone Roll Audio™ features allow the user to hear characteristics of a target as they would in a True All-Metal Mode. High-Res Iron Discrimination™: Use touchpads to set iron discrimination in one of 40 levels for
1 month ago on ebay.comtargets, such as hammered silver coins and small gold earrings. The MX7 features a robust transmit circuit compared to other models in its price range, and is capable of extreme depths on coin-sized objects. As a relic
1 month ago on ebay.comThe DeLeón is a Target Identification Detector or T.I.D. The DeLeón is designed as an easy to use, turn-on-and-go detector. The faceplate has only four controls: Sensitivity, Discriminate, Threshold and a Mode Switch
1 month ago on ebay.comdetection depth on highly conductive targets, such as large silver coins and large masses. These high performance, versatile search coils are designed around brand new electronic advances which allow the user to choose from a
1 month ago on ebay.com! It is one of the most affordable and easy-to-operate metal detectors from White’s. Perfect for finding jewelry, gold and silver coins in almost any terrain - it even features a "beach mode" to hunt on wet, salty sand! The
1 month ago on ebay.com