21 Results for Free Stuff for sale in South Yarmouth Ma - Classifieds
Hi. I am an experienced rock and roll drummer. I am looking to connect with fellow mature/experienced musicians to form a band. Ideally, we would accept 3-4 gigs (more?) per month on Cape Cod. I LOVE classic rock bu…
1 month ago on Classified AdsANTHONY'S STUMP GRINDING SERVICE 25 Years of safe & efficient service, I will grind stumps up to 3-ft around. $50 minimum. Serving all of Cape Cod from Provincetown to the canal. Call or text Anthony Enos at 774-487-7453, or call 508-694-5203.…
1 month ago on Classified AdsTo meet the requirements of modern guests, the vacation rental property has been designed and embedded with swanky amenities. With impressive settings, the house assures a pretty relaxing stay. It has a plenty of wa…
1 month ago on Classified AdsI STILL have many egg cartons available to give to you for FREE! However, you must pick up from my home in South Yarmouth. I welcome free eggs! I have plenty of empty egg cartons. If you like I can be a regula…
1 month ago on Classified AdsWANTED: any early issue of Ring Magazine with an article written by Rip McCoy. Willing to pay fair price. Please call (508) 771-4298.
1 month ago on Classified AdsFidelis Hospice is looking for compassionate folks to join our hospice team. Bring your unique personality to a bed side. If you have one hour a week to give, we will provide you with the training and team suppor…
1 month ago on Classified Ads