97 Results for Garage Sale for sale in Bridgewater Nj - Classifieds
Address: 120 pleasant ave edison nj. What: Church thrift store. What is sold: Clothing, dish ware,jewelry,glass ware, books, toys, holiday decorations. This is our last day open, prices are reduced to bare min. Stop by 12/29/18 **we are a smal ...…
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdWILL SELL by Friday March 29, 2019 9:00 PM Rockaway Downsizing On-line Auction - Miami Trail This on-line auction features Things for Kids: Sporting goods - Hockey gear, roller skates, shin guards; Toys - Fisher Price, HotWheels/Matchbox; Books including a boxed set Star Wars books in a stand,...…
1 month ago on gsalrWe're moving! Large selection of furniture, decorative items, kitchen tools, glassware and outdoor items. Photos included to show a small preview of what will be for sale. Everything is in very good/gently used condition. Look for a green, 3-story Victorian house with a porch. Times: Saturday,...…
1 month ago on gsalrA Dusty Old Bag is in Bridgewater for a Terrific Estate Sale with Primitives and Antiques Colonial Way Bridgewater NJ 08807 Saturday and Sunday March 9 and March 10 Rain or Shine AT THE HOMEOWNERS REQUEST WE ARE CONDUCTING THIS SALE ON MARCH 9 - 10 THEY WANT EVERYTHING GONE SO EVERYTHING...…
1 month ago on gsalrWILL SELL by Thursday March 21, 2019 8:30 PM Bernardsville Moving On-line Auction - Douglass Avenue This on-line auction features ANTIQUE: Gilt curio, spool bed and dresser, lingerie chest, trunks. FURNITURE: two down cushion sofas, 1 down filled loveseat; La Barge glass and metal coffee table;...…
1 month ago on gsalrOak Dental Cabinet, Oak Dresser, Oak Secretary Display Cabinet, Oak Display Cabinet, Round Tiger Oak Table, Buddy L tow Truck, Trade Stimulator Bingo Gum Ball Penny Arcade Game, Clocks, Victorian Tantalus with three Red Decanters, Antique Phone, Vintage Vectrex Arcade System Console HP with Games,...…
1 month ago on gsalrI have 100% wood furniture some of which are vintage style. I also have many table top items such as lead crystal items, Lenox items, collector dolls, images and more. There are vintage evening dresses with beads sewn to them and every day dresses. Everything is reasonably priced. Please...…
1 month ago on gsalr