75 Results for Garage Sale for sale in Friendswood Tx - Classifieds
Lots of antiques Capo De Monte, Royal Delft, Salt and Pepper Shakers, glassware, etc. Furniture, antique furniture, pool table, dining table, antique bed frames, televisions, desktop computer, washer, dryer, microwa
1 month ago on SoutheastTexas6 X eighteen Rubber Dockie - used twice $225 Bowflex Treadclimber with Mat TC10 - $300 42" Vizio TELEVISION - $40, Formal dining chairs - $20/each (4) Clothes and lots more!
1 month ago on gsalrThere is a FREE STUFF table with items that had been posted on VarageSale and Nextdoor apps on the 1st come 1st serve in-person Basis! 2 clothes racks of Name brand designer clothing and shoes, furniture, Mongoose BEAST fat tire bike 2108 model, CHERRYWOOD curio cabinet, antique home decor...
1 month ago on gsalrMoving sale at 11410 Gladewater Dr, Pearland, TX 77584 We are moving into a smaller space and forced to sell several items very cheap in order to get rid of them before we move! Items for sale include: - Children & Adult clothing - Dish sets & Kitchen items - Kid's toys/Toddler bicycle -...
1 month ago on gsalrLeather Sectional, Kitchen Table, Queen Bed Frame w/ Dresser & two Nightstands & More
1 month ago on gsalr