34 Results for Garage Sale for sale in Gardendale Al - Classifieds
**Make sure you follow our web siteso that we don't miss you! Join us for a two day moving sale in Hoover! Fri Sat 1825 Southview Drive Hoover AL 35244 February 9, 10 10-2pm Fri and 9-1pm Saturday __________________________________________________ Please READ BELOW: ** ALL SALES ARE...
1 month ago on gsalr**Make sure you follow our web siteso that we don't miss you at a sale! We're on FB, twitter & Instagram! We've got you covered! ** Join us for a TRUE 'Picking' Sale!!!! In Mulga, Al! Think clock maker/repair, farmer, and collector of neat stuff all rolled into 1 and you'll find us at Mulga...
1 month ago on gsalr**Make sure you follow our web siteso that we don't miss you at a sale! We're also on twitter, instagram & FB! Wahoo! Join us for two days in Roebuck -- you just never know what you'll find at an estate sale! Friday Saturday 10-2pm Friday Jan fourth and Sat Jan fifth 999 Ridgewood Circle...
1 month ago on gsalrWe are going to have a great sale this weekend! we have furniture, dining room table with chairs, sofa, clothes, chairs, glassware, kitchen appliances, beds, books, washer, and dryer. we are going to have a lot of stuff for everyone. Hope to see you there!!!
1 month ago on gsalrSaturday rain or shine! Baby items, kids items, clothes, toys, household items, too much to list.
1 month ago on gsalrWe have some great things this weekend. for this sale we have lots of kitchen appliances, Glass ware, cook ware, tools, electronics (nook, phones, game boy, that is just to name a few). we also have Mary kay products, picture frames, dinning room table, and a refrigerator. This is just a few...
1 month ago on gsalr