78 Results for Garage Sale for sale in Kemah Tx - Classifieds
FINAL Sea Isle moving sale! Items may be picked up on December 30th (after 12pm) and 31st (all day) only. Items may be paid for in advance, to reserve them for pickup. Most everything is in like new condition. What does not sell will come back to Ho ...…
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdI am having a 25 - 75% Antique Sale in my room it's called DD's room 1st room to the right in Lucky Charms Antique Warehouse Go to the address listed on this posting Everything else in my room is 25% off! Everything is priced to sell! *****A ...…
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdWe are having a yard sale this weekend! We will be selling a little bit of everything! We have lawn equipment, tools, furniture, dishware, decor, electronics, toys, kitchen appliances, clothing and accessories and much much more! We are working hard to have this be a very well organized yard sale...…
1 month ago on gsalrThis Saturday and Possibly Sunday (May third and fourth) Moving Sale - all types of valuable furniture, Beds, Bedding, Tools, Kitchen Ware, Utensils, Clothing, ect.
1 month ago on gsalrNEW ITEMS ADDED!!! Lots and lots of goodies from Carnival glass, Crystal, coins, baseball cards, dishes, plates, Erytl Banks, Cut glass, Figurines, Costume Jewlery, Antiques in general.
1 month ago on gsalrLAST WEEKEND.....EVERYTHING MUST GO ESTATE SALE....BEST OFFER!!! CASH ONLY!!! Furniture...office furniture, household items, crystal, images, outdoor furniture, lots of Flower pots, Christmas decorations, books, movies, men clothes and shoes....a few photos posted....to much to list…
1 month ago on gsalr