55 Results for Garage Sale for sale in Madera Ca - Classifieds
Saturday & Sunday ONLY5522 EL Adobe Drive | Fresno, Ca 93711 (Near Barstow & West)Look for “Estate Sale” street signs. ***THIS IS A Private GATED COMMUNITY. Please LISTEN and FOLLOW Front gate attendant. Please use the plentiful amount of parking stalls.***Saturday Hours are: 8 am to 4pmEntry...…
1 month ago on gsalrFurniture, antiques, household items, hone decor, clothes, glassware, images, to much to list
1 month ago on gsalrKids toys, Handbags, Women’s small sized clothes, Basketball Hoop, Lawn Mowers, Disney movie DVDs & VHS tapes, Roomba, Books.
1 month ago on gsalrSaturday & Sunday ONLY 4757 N. Blackstone | Fresno, Ca 93726 (Between Shaw & Gettysburg, Next to Me ‘N Eds) Look for “Estate Sale” street signs. Please do not block driveways or mailboxes! Saturday Hours are: 9 am to 4pmNO Entry Numbers will be given out.Sunday Hours are: 9 am to 3pmNO...…
1 month ago on gsalrClothes, dresses, jewelry, bags, CDs, DVDs, video games, decor, glassware, kitchen appliances, candles, Christmas decorations, misc. items, a keyboard piano, etc. Cash only please
1 month ago on gsalrSaturday & Sunday ONLY 816 Williams | Madera, Ca 93637 (Schnoor & Sunset) Look for “Estate Sale” street signs. Please do not block driveways or mailboxes! Saturday Hours are: 9 am to 4pmEntry Numbers will be given out @ 8am. (“Entry Numbers” Save your place in line @ 9am)Sunday Hours...…
1 month ago on gsalrHUGE, HUGE, three day Estate! Thursday, Friday & Saturday January 3, 4 & 5 9:00 am - 2:00 pm 3175 W Madison Ave Fresno 93706 south of the 180 FWY and just west of Marks Ave. Kearney & Marks 68 yr accumulation! Oak dining table with 2 leaves and 6 chairs, oak dining table with 2 leaves and...…
1 month ago on gsalr