6 Results for Garage Sale for sale in Rockwood Tn - Classifieds
The entire contents of this house will be included in the sale. There are 3 bedrooms, two queen and 1 king, kitchen ware including coffee pot, mixer, toaster, silverware, Gibson white dishes, Kirkland pots and pans, kitchen/dining room table, couch, loveseat, lift chair, coffee table, end...
1 month ago on gsalrOne day only sale and prices reflect the 50% discount. Nothing priced more than $100. Come and pick up some bargains. This clean, 1 story house needs to be emptied before the new buyers take possession. There are several project pieces and some very lovely furniture items. Contents include...
1 month ago on gsalrAntiques and more antiques! Items include clocks, table, beds, chair, stain glass, and door. There is also a large select of art, kitchen items, sewing machines, a lazy boy couch, bedding and many quilting items. All of the items must go the end of the sale. Come check it out!
1 month ago on gsalrBeautiful home on the water near Blue Herron Restaurant. Contents are clean, gorgeous, new, old, unique, ordinary, practical, spring-like and everything else in between. 2 floors filled with a weekend of fun, sun and good buys! Garage and kitchen are super packed!! Come join us for a sale you...
1 month ago on gsalrC and C Estate Sale Rockwood, Tn 37854 February. 17th, 18th and 19th Fri. - Sat. 8-4 p.m., Sun. 1-4 Downsizing-Moving Sale Fabulous Collection of Antiques, Vintage, Sewing (Trim, Notions, Buttons, Metal Zippers, Patterns, Lots of Material), Linens, Vintage Clothing, Furniture,( Antique,...
1 month ago on gsalrC and C Estate Sale 1674 Mountain View Rd Rockwood, TN 37854 Jan. sixth, seventh and eighth Fri.-Sat. 8-4, Sun. 1-4 This is a unique sale with lots of horse memorabilia, antiques, furniture, glassware and fun eclectic items. The owner was an organist for local horse shows for many years. Come...
1 month ago on gsalr