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661 Results for Farm & Garden for sale in Waldo Wi - Classifieds

Old 2hp ASSOCIATED CHORE BOY Hit Miss Gas Engine Steam Tractor Ignitor Motor WOW

Older restoration 2hp Associated Chore Boy engine. Everything moves as it should and it has decent compression even after sitting for many years. It has an old repair on the bottom of the cylinder but looks like it …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Old STICKNEY Hit Miss Gas Engine Ignitor Cast Iron Spark Coil Knife Switch HOT!

This is an EXTREMELY hard to find original cast iron low tension ignition coil for a Stickney hit and miss gas engine. It is in excellent original condition as can be seen and retains some of the original blue paint…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Old Large ELKHART Sparta Economy Hit Miss Gas Engine Magneto Steam Tractor HOT!!

This is a very hard to find original Elkhart rotary low tension magneto for a hit and miss or throttle governed gas engine. This is the largest Elkhart magneto that I can remember ever seeing with 4 magnets on it. T…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Old CADILLAC LaSALLE Car Carburetor 1920's 30's Aluminum Hit Miss Engine Steam

This is a VERY hard to find original Cadillac LaSalle carburetor. It is mostly aluminum and is fresh from an old collectors estate and seems to be in excellent condition with no cracks, breaks, or repairs of any kin…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Old STROMBERG OS-2 Brass Carburetor KISSEL Car Auburn Cord Hit Miss Engine NICE

This is a VERY hard to find original Stromberg OS-2 carburetor for an old car. I believe it is for a mid to late 1920's Kissel car and may have other applications as well. It is mostly brass and is fresh from an old…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Old ASSOCIATED Air Cooled Hit Miss Gas Engine Project Parts WONDER Steam Oiler

This is a barn fresh air cooled Associated Chore Boy hit and miss engine. It is missing some parts like the ignitor, rocker arm, piston, rod, gas tank, and crankguard but all of these items are available as reproduc…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Old JOHN DEERE E Hit Miss Gas Engine Magneto 1 1/2, 3, 6hp with Gear NICE HOT!!

This is an extremely nice original low tension magneto for a John Deere E hit and miss gas engine. It will fit the 1 1/2, 3, and 6hp engines. It currently has a 1 1/2hp gear on it but it could easily be switched out…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Original INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 1 1/2hp Type M Hit Miss Gas Engine Steam NICE

Real nice original 1 1/2hp IHC Type M engine. Lots of original paint and more to be found under the grease and oil. Fuel pump is loose. Engine has great compression and shouldn't take much to make noise. It has the …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Police Challenge Coin Garden Classifieds