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904 Results for Household Items for sale in Sims Nc - Classifieds

quilted SHAM * DAYTONA RACECARS * appliqued CARS vroooommm * standard * NIP

STANDARD SHAMDAYTONAL RACECARSappliqued racecars zoom amid racing flagshand-crafted quiltingflange and the reverse have the traditional black & white racing checkenvelope opening on back100% cottonnew in pouchmatching valances are also listed! add a touch of fun!…

1 month ago on ebay.com
SHAM *KEEP MOVING * appliqued puppy riding train * standard * quilted * NIP

STANDARD SHAMKEEP MOVINGappliqued puppy riding a train hand-crafted quiltingdark tartan plaid on the reverseenvelope opening on back100% cottonexcellent quality by Pem Americanew in pouchadd a touch of fun & color!

1 month ago on ebay.com
quilted SHAM * GO FISH *  fun fish beach tropical * standard * NIP

STANDARD SHAMGO FISHappliqued & embroidered fish swim on wild patchwork bold, bright summer fun colorsred checked gingham on the reverseenvelope opening on back100% cottonexcellent quality new in pouchadd a touch of fun!…

1 month ago on ebay.com
quilted SHAM * FAIRY BALLERINAS *appliqued fairies * standard * NIP

STANDARD SHAMFAIRY BALLERINASappliqued fairies dance amid stars under a crown hand-crafted quilting framed with pink and green bandssolid pink on the reverseenvelope opening on back100% cottonexcellent quality by Pem Americanew in pouchadd a touch of fun!…

1 month ago on ebay.com
quilted SHAM* FAIRY PRINCESS GARDEN * appliqued dancing fairies * standard * NIP

STANDARD SHAMFAIRY PRINCESS GARDENbeautifully appliqued fairies dance on whitehand-crafted quiltingvelveteen accents on the flangepink gingham on the reverseenvelope opening on back100% cottonexcellent quality by Pem Americanew in pouchadd a touch of fun & color!…

1 month ago on ebay.com
quilted SHAM * ALL SPORTS * appliqued balls  * standard * NIP

STANDARD SHAMALL SPORTSappliqued football, baseball, soccer ball, and basketballhand-crafted quiltingdark plaid flangedark blue & green plaid on the reverseenvelope opening on back100% cottonexcellent quality by Pem Americanew in pouchadd a touch of fun!…

1 month ago on ebay.com
quilted SHAM * FIELD DAYS * vintage varsity football * standard * NIP

STANDARD SHAMFIELD DAYSappliqued football and embroidiary on patchwork hand-crafted quilting with a vintage feel solid off-white is on the reverseenvelope opening on back100% cottonexcellent qualitynew in pouchadd a touch of fun!…

1 month ago on ebay.com
quilted SHAM * SAILING * appliqued SAILBOATS * standard * NIP

STANDARD SHAMSAILINGappliqued sailboats ride on a quilted seahand-crafted quiltingframed with plaid, then bordered with a red check flangeblue plaid on the reverseenvelope opening on back100% cottonexcellent quality by Pem Americanew in pouchadd a touch of fun & color!…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Guard Patch Household Classifieds