67813 Results for For Sale for sale in Westerville Oh - Classifieds
Items from a quaint home full of treasures including: Jewelry: Silver and gold rings, necklaces and bracelets- many with gemstones, 2 unique Bangkok/Thai princess rings, vintage pins, costume jewelry, lots of earrings-mostly pierced, ladies watches ...…
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdMany good buys ! ***. I can meet in Reynoldsburg Nikon Coolpix - $140 Antique galvanized gas can $25 Dukes DVD set $8 Miller beer crate $20 Gennesse beer mirror $20 1960s Case Knife $40
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdAntique and Consignment Auction Tuesday, January 8, 2019, 4 PM at 4099 Karl Road. From I-71 on North side of Columbus, take Morse Rd. East, Right on Karl to auction. Signs posted. Furniture and accessories including Pair of brown leather armchairs; ...…
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdClintonville Estate Sale. Priced to sell. Everything must go! Friday, 12/28/18. Noon til Sunset.
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdeverything has to go we've got washer and dryer for $500 or best offer, table a kitchen table and chairs, a lot of other things and we got to get rid of it.
1 month ago on SpreadMyAdGAHANNA 2-DAY ESTATE TAG SALE Fri. Dec. 28, 10am-5pm & Sat. Dec. 29 ,10am-3pm, 272 Helmbright Dr., Gahanna, Oh. 43230 High-quality Estate Tag Sale, the house is loaded with quality furniture, Macy's Kelli Ripa Collection near new contemporary lov ...…
1 month ago on SpreadMyAd