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120 Results for Animals and Pets for sale in Delco Nc - Classifieds

Adopt Jax a Brown/Chocolate - with White Siberian Husky / Mixed dog in Burgaw

1/20/17 This is Jax, he is a five month old Siberian Husky. He was taken out of a neglect situation. We have had him about a month so he could recover fully before looking for his new home. He loves everyone and eve…

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt KATY a Domestic Short Hair

KATY is a playful and inquisitive girl kitten born about may 24, 2016. She was rescued from a local shelter and fostered by Topcat volunteers. KATY has been tested negative for feline leukemia , vaccinated, spayed, and micro chipped. She has a lot of ... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt Pippin a Silver Marten

Pippin was abandoned with her Mother Jojo at off River Road park. and a nice Samaritan captured them and surrendered them to our custody. Jojo and Pippin were very skinny a 1.5 on the body scale index. Pippin weighed only 3.1 lbs at time of intake... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt HopScotch a Rex

Hopscotch was purchased by his old owner at a local store that sells baby rabbits. He was kept indoors and in a cage. He is litterbox trained and Hopscotch is very friendly, outgoing, and playful. Hopscotch does not really tolerate being held a lot.... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt Jojo a Silver Marten

Jojo was abandoned with her baby Pippin at off River Road park. A great Samaritan captured them and surrendered them to our custody. Jojo and Pippin were very skinny a 1.5 on the body scale index. Jojo weighed only 4.one pounds at time of intake. Both w... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt Happy a Rex

Happy was surrendered to our rescue by the owner because he was not getting along with the other rabbit. Both were purchased together at a local pet store that sells baby rabbits. Happy was not neutered until he came to our rescue. Happy was in a hou... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt HopScotch a White Rex / Mixed (short coat) rabbit in Wilmington

Hopscotch Animal ID# RR88 Dwarf / Rex Mixture Neutered Male two years My Story: Hopscotch was purchased by his old owner at a local store that sells baby rabbits. He was kept indoors and in a cage. He is litterbox t…

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Beagle pups AKC wks

puppies hunting or pets. trained Deer Beagles. beagle spaniel mixture puppies months. red white beagle male for adoption. --. -- Pictures and contact info on Advertigo website.

1 month ago on Advertigo
Guard Patch Pets Classifieds