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13 Results for Animals and Pets for sale in Donie Tx - Classifieds

Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator 8 oz. Bottle New - Free Shipping

GUARANTEED TO GET RID OF THE TOUGHEST PET ODORS! Angry Orange is a commercial grade citrus odor eliminator that was originally formulated for use in industrial applications such as feedlots, sludge-ponds, poultry fa…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Adopt Sandy2 a Labrador Retriever, Terrier

Sandy is a little sweetie who is currently in foster care. She's very loving and would love to find that special someone to take her home!... see more at Petfinder.com

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt Captain a Gray or Blue (Mostly) Domestic Shorthair (short coat) cat in

Captain came to us because his family could no longer keep him! This friendly fellow likes to explore! He is looking for that special someone to give him a new home!

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt Patches a Cream or Ivory (Mostly) Colorpoint Shorthair (short coat) cat in

Patches and Otis came to the shelter together. Patches is a big friendly girl. This pretty kitty would like to find herself a new home! Fixed soon!

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt Otis a Cream or Ivory (Mostly) Colorpoint Shorthair (short coat) cat in

Otis and Patches came to the shelter together. Otis was not so happy about all the other kitties in the cat house. He found himself a quiet corner in which to hide. He did allow himself to be snuggled a bit and agre…

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Petsafe RF-275 Underground Fence collar- Brand New

This RF-275 collar is brand new for the Petsafe underground fence systems. I bought the wrong one and it is not compatible with my  wireless system. I was unable to return it to the store. Nothing is wrong with it, it was only removed from original packaging.…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Five Cull Betta Male Female Plakat HM Delta CT Mixed You Pay Shipping

These are CULL Betta that are not good enough to sell.. As we get large orders we often have dozens of cull Betta and when we are preparing for a new order we cannot keep them any longer and offer them in this sales…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Blanket App mini pony cutest ever

Lucy is beautiful unique little blanketed red appaloosa mini mare pony. She has a long mane and tail. She is 34ins tall 8yrs old. She is so really lovable with the best willing to please personality. She throws very…

1 month ago on Equine Now
Guard Patch Pets Classifieds