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44 Results for Animals and Pets for sale in Hager City Wi - Classifieds

Adopt Oscar a Merle Dachshund / Dachshund / Mixed dog in Red Wing, MN (17740707)

Oscar is a 10yr old blue merle Dachshund. He is extra cute and will climb in your lap if you give him a chance. He was surrendered to our shelter and is looking for his FUREVER home. He is neutered, up to date on shots, and micro chipped. ADOPTION CHARGE: $200…

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Siri - Female Hamster

Siri is an approx year old female Dwarf Hamster. She is friendly and likes to be held.Adoption payment .... More Details Images and contact information on Advertigo website.

1 month ago on Advertigo
Adopt Luna a Snake reptile, amphibian, and/or fish in Red Wing, MN (24713726)

Luna was brought in to the shelter as a stray. She is about 3yrs old. Some 1 abandoned her in their apartment. The Police had to go in and get her and bring her to us. She is about 5 ft long and very thick. She is r…

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt Petey a Gray Cockatiel bird in Red Wing, MN (24844432)

Petey came to us as an owner surrender. His owner did not have a cage for him and allowed him free roam of the apartment- which isn't bad. However, she did not clean up after him which lead her to being evicted. Pet…

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Guard Patch Pets Classifieds