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2107 Results for Animals and Pets for sale in Libertyville Il - Classifieds

Adopt Tucker a Labrador Retriever

Come visit our shelter. Tucker's estimated birthdate is February 1, 2017. Ask at the front desk for this dogs kennel location. Labs are obedient, affectionate and great with kids, other dogs and pets. They are eager to please, enjoy learning and are at... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt Tweedle a Lizard / Mixed reptile, amphibian, and/or fish in Kenosha

Adopt Tweedle a Lizard / Mixed reptile, amphibian, and/or fish in Kenosha, WI (24669105)

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt Deedle a Lizard / Mixed reptile, amphibian, and/or fish in Kenosha

Adopt Deedle a Lizard / Mixed reptile, amphibian, and/or fish in Kenosha, WI (24669104)

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt Nona a Gray or Blue Domestic Shorthair / Domestic Shorthair / Mixed cat in

Adopt Nona a Gray or Blue Domestic Short hair / Domestic Short hair / Mixed cat in Kenosha, WI (20615588) housetrained, spayed/neutered

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt Gideon a Black Husky / Mixed dog in Morton Grove, IL (24641318)

Say hello to Gideon! This sweet boy came all the way from Arkansas in search of his forever home. He is a spunky boy who warms up quickly to be very warm and affectionate. He would love to be part of a family that e…

1 month ago on Adopt-a-Pet.com
Adopt Lily a Domestic Short Hair

I am not sure why I could stay but the apartment manager decided I had to go. I am a cute girl, very outgoing and as soon as someone comes close to me, I start meowing for attention. I rub and rub and rub against their hand, never wanting it to end.... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt Dipper a Beagle, Mixed Breed

Dipper and his eight siblings are all incredibly lovable, loving puppies. Their mom came to us pregnant after being found on the side of a road in Kentucky. A nice samaritan rescued her. Shortly after, OAW took her in and a foster family cared for her, and he... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Adopt Comet a Beagle, Mixed Breed

Comet and his eight siblings are all incredibly precious, loving puppies. Their mom came to us pregnant after being found on the side of a road in Kentucky. A great samaritan rescued her. Shortly after, OAW took her in and a foster family cared for her, and her... see more at Petfinder.com…

1 month ago on Petfinder.com
Police Challenge Coin Pets Classifieds