14 Results for Grease for sale in Elgin Il - Antiques Classifieds
these for various neighborhoods. They range in size and neighborhood. All are folded, most have red crayon/grease pen that has filled in sold lots. Most have wear holes at the folds from rubbing on the other maps. Some have
1 month ago on ebay.comI am offering for sale this Huge Extraordinary Monumental Antique Pier Mirror, originally gilded with genuine 23 K gold leaves . The mirror frame was cleaned from old dirt and grease and very minor restoration was done
1 month ago on ebay.comneighborhood. All are folded, most have red crayon/grease pen that has filled in sold lots. They have writing, tears, etc. The overall black scrapbook page is approx. 8 1/2 x 12 1/4. If you are purchasing more than one map
1 month ago on ebay.com. They range in size and neighborhood. All are folded, most have red crayon/grease pen that has filled in sold lots. Most have wear holes at the folds from rubbing on the other maps. Please review photos carefully for more
1 month ago on ebay.comthese for various neighborhoods. They range in size and neighborhood. All are folded, most have red crayon/grease pen that has filled in sold lots. Most have wear holes at the folds from rubbing on the other maps. Some have
1 month ago on ebay.comhave red crayon/grease pen that has filled in sold lots. They have writing, tears, etc. The overall black scrapbook page is approx. 8 1/2 x 12 1/4. If you are purchasing more than one map (including my blueprints), I will
1 month ago on ebay.com, most have red crayon/grease pen that has filled in sold lots. They have writing, tears, etc. The overall black scrapbook page is approx. 8 1/2 x 12 1/4. If you are purchasing more than one map (including my blueprints), I
1 month ago on ebay.comneighborhood. All are folded, most have red crayon/grease pen that has filled in sold lots. They have writing, tears, etc. The overall black scrapbook page is approx. 8 1/2 x 12 1/4. If you are purchasing more than one map
1 month ago on ebay.com