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558 Results for Antiques for sale in Niota Tn - Classifieds

Church bell by  LOWERBELLS

For sale is a 34 inch bronze Jones bell ,Bell is in good working order We are reducing our bell inventory to move to a new location and want to sell rather than have to move these bells . No need to repair anything …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Church bell by  LOWERBELLS   cast in America

For sale is a 27 inch bronze Stuckstede bell.All parts are powder coated stain black ,bell is in good working order We are reducing our bell inventory to move to a new location and want to sell rather than have to m…

1 month ago on ebay.com
CHURCH BELL by  lowerbells

For sale is a 36 inch cast iron bell.cast iron wheel, stands in good working order ,also have 32 inch cast iron bell if better for you and other smaller bells .We are reducing our bell inventory to move to a new location and want to sell rather than have to move these bells .…

1 month ago on ebay.com

BEACON HILL MAHOGANY BREAKFRONT CABINET WITH BUTLER'S DESK INTERIOR The first four photos are of actual product in our home and represent the condition and color. The last two are stock photos from the manufacturer.

1 month ago on ebay.com
vintage mill stones all are over 35

5 vintage mill stones available. (all five for 9500.00) 2500 is the Price for each stone. smallest one is 36? wide all are between 9-11" thick no delivery available. Price is per mill stone. Check the web , these sizes sells for about 3600.00…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Beautiful Mid Century style long tv stand table Danish Wood inlay 6 foot

Amazing table! Wood make a great stand for a flat screen or?? Six feet six inches long 18"deep 23" high Beautiful table not sure if you would call it mid century, arts and craft or danish? Needs a light refinishing …

1 month ago on ebay.com
1920s Vintage Bernhardt Dinette set

Very nice set with 4 chairs, table that has two extensions, hutch and china cabinet.. we had this set for over 30 years and still used every day.. have glass top for hutch and table that protects the surface..chairs have been recovered. Local pickup only…

1 month ago on ebay.com
8 Adrian Woodall Trygg Ethnic Black Folk Carved Figurines

Up for your consideration is this lot 8 of vintage Trygg style carved figurines, by Adrian Woodall, 1888 through 1969. Some are signed AW, some are not, but all came from the same estate. Black women approx. 5 1/2 Ã…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Guard Patch Antiques Classifieds