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319 Results for Arts & Crafts for sale in Roseboro Nc - Classifieds

Snapper Trailers : 8.5x16 Tandem Axle Riding Mower Trailer w/ Ramp

Enclosed 8.5x16 Tandem Leaf Spring Axleshttp://www.snappertrailers.com/product-category/current-stock/fayetteville-current-stock/ Large Enclosed Storage Trailer, great for hauling Lawn Care equipment, Motorcycles, A…

1 month ago on Classified Ads
Kromski Prelude Clear 9lbs Wheel 18

Kromski Prelude Clear 9lbs Wheel 18" Diameter What you see is all there is. Former owner Pam Kelly from the Sunflower Fibers Yarn Shop in Fayetteville, NC Selling it "as is" with no refunds and no returns If you pur…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Square Loom 5’ Adjustable Lace Sett (3 looms in 1) from Tri-looms by Jim

Square Loom 5’ Adjustable Lace Sett (3 looms in 1) from Tri-looms by Jim Lace sett square weaving looms are best used with lightweight or lace weight yarns.This loom has a nail sett of 1/4" sett on all sides.Adjus…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Pat Green Carder Wool Picker

Pat Green Carder Wool Picker Used but works great. One tooth fell out but I have the tooth.Has been mounted to several different tables over the years so I may have an extra hole or two. Local pickup only Fayetteville, NC Shipping is not an option.…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Tri-loom 7’ Adjustable Lace Sett (4 looms in 1) from Tri-looms by Jim

Tri-loom 7’ Adjustable Lace Sett (4 looms in 1) from Tri-looms by Jim Lace sett triangle weaving looms are best used with lightweight or lace weight yarns. This loom has a nail sett of 3/8" sett on the hypotenuse …

1 month ago on ebay.com
Square Loom 4’ Adjustable Lace Sett (3 looms in 1) from Tri-looms by Jim

Square Loom 4’ Adjustable Lace Sett (3 looms in 1) from Tri-looms by JimEasel not included... loom only in this listingLace sett square weaving looms are best used with lightweight or lace weight yarns.This loom h…

1 month ago on ebay.com
7’ Bulky 1/3 Inch Sett Adjustable Square Weaving Loom from Tri-looms by Jim

7’ Bulky 1/3 Inch Sett Adjustable Square Weaving Loom from Tri-looms by Jim To find all of the items I list do a search for: Tri-looms by Jim FYI: I sell looms with two different pin setts. I am basing my informat…

1 month ago on ebay.com
7’ Adjustable Triangle 1/3 Inch Lace Sett Weaving Loom from Tri-looms by Jim

7’ Adjustable Triangle 1/3 Inch Lace Sett Weaving Loom from Tri-looms by Jim This is a 7’ Lace sett tri-loom with a nail sett of 3/8" sett on the hypotenuse and 1/4" sett on the short sides. This loom works best…

1 month ago on ebay.com
Guard Patch Crafts Classifieds